Blantyre, Kanjeza
Business hours
Monday - Friday
I am an ambitious and futurist young person with the mind of creating the imaginations.
For over a year now, Klvanastores has sold merchandise, drinks and food through WhatsApp and Facebook and people really appreciate the service and the quality of the products. These products are intellectual property of Kelvin Libwe. From health to the taste to whatever, you name in.
For nationals, the products are available for transportation and for internationals, you can purchase and wait for shipping within a particular period depending on where you are, but as the business grows, you will be wholly served.
It's lux.
Kelvin Libwe
Founder and Salesperson
Klvana is an ambitious and upcoming brand for all ideas and every investment that I do. The brand name comes from Kelvin's Analogy. Which differentiate what was, what is and what will be.
Business hours
Monday - Friday